SharpShooters USA is Selling Our Property to the City of Roswell

Monday evening at the Roswell City Council meeting, the Council voted unanimously to approve the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and/or City Administrator with the City Attorney to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement to purchase such property at 11261 Alpharetta Hwy. That was the first step in the process of the sale. We will be closing our retail operation in late April or early May (exact date TBA). We expect training – both private lessons and group classes – to continue for approximately 60 days after we close the store.

In this post, I’m sharing what I hope will be the answers to all your questions about this transaction.


One word: Bidenomics. You can scoff at that word or even the sentiment, but that’s the bottom line. When we (myself and 12 other investors) purchased SharpShooters (the business and the land) from the estate of the late Ken Burson in 2021, we took a few risks. One of the risks we accepted was that of an adjustable rate SBA 7A loan. We did the math, and were willing to accept the risk that the interest rate – and hence the payment – could increase. We built a 2-3 point increase possibility into our financial model. Nobody – not me, not our investors…nobody – could have predicted that our interest rate would go from 3.25 to 10.5% in less than a year.

When it actually happened in 2023, the investors and I agreed that the business could not sustain that financial strain. We chose to sell.

I wish it were that easy. It was clear, but it was a really, really hard decision. Owning a gun store and shooting range has been incredibly fun and challenging, and I will treasure these last 4 years. The best part of it was you, our customers. You made it the most fun job I’ve ever had. Thank you.


No. Next question. We were courted by several interested parties. We sold to the entity that offered us the best return on our investment. It really is that simple.


The press release and WSB article explained it pretty well. Roswell citizens overwhelmingly approved a bond for public safety improvements in 2022. Our building is very unique, and, as it turns out, checks almost all the boxes required for operating a 911 Call Center and Emergency Operations Center (EOC). And, of course, there’s the shooting range, which will continue to be utilized by Roswell Police and other law enforcement agencies to train up their personnel.


We’re still open, and will remain open until late April or early May. That exact date is TBD, and depends upon when we finalize the sale with the city of Roswell. First, we have to complete a purchase-sale agreement. Then the Roswell City Council has to vote on April 8, 2024, to approve that contract. Then we have to finalize the transaction. Then we will announce the date on which our doors will close for the last time. Again, we expect training to continue for up to 60 days after that date.


Monthly Members – if you’re a monthly paying member, once we have completed the transaction with the city of Roswell, we will terminate all recurring payments, and you won’t be charged after that. If you want to cancel your membership now, you can login here and cancel your membership with one click

Annual Members – If you are an annual paying member, we will prorate your refund, and return the unused portion as of the date of finalization of the transaction. Please be patient on this one, because we can only directly refund your credit or debit card if you paid within the last 6 months. Otherwise, we have to write you a check. Meanwhile, the range is still open for you to enjoy until the day we close our retail operation.


If you’ve purchased a training class or private lesson, then Melissa, Maddy, or Glen will be contacting you to schedule those lessons, just like they always have. Group classes and private lessons will continue until approximately 60 days after we close the retail operation. If you are unable to schedule your lessons prior to that time, we will refund your payment(s). That process will go through our training department for approval, and we will issue all such refunds after the final day of private lessons.


if you purchased any NFA (National Firearms Act) item such as a suppressor or short barreled rifle (SBR), and your paperwork is “in process”, meaning the final paperwork has been submitted to the ATF, you’re in luck! When we inform the ATF of the date that we will be ceasing operations, we are required to provide them with all “in process” NFA items. The ATF will expedite approvals for those items.

If you’ve purchased an NFA item already, then we have some time. In order to be expedited, the Form 4 must be certified and submitted before our final business day, which is TBD, but will be announced as soon as we know it.

WE WILL CALL YOU when your item is ready to be picked up. Just because you get your tax stamp via email that doesn’t mean we’ve already got it ready to hand to you. We don’t. We will be handling hundreds of NFA item approvals, and each one is its own pile of paperwork. So, we will call you. I promise. We’ll call you.

If you bought an NFA item and you have not done your “certification” and submitted the forms to the ATF, we will transfer all such items to another local FFL (TBD), where they will remain while you do the certification and wait for ATF approval. We will be sharing that information once it is finalized.


If you purchased or received a gift certificate, we will be in touch directly. You can utilize your gift certificate(s) right up until the day we close (TBD). If you are unable to do so, we can issue a credit or send a refund check.


The archery range is operated by the Atlanta Archery Club ( and will remain open for a few months after we’ve closed. I encourage you to reach out directly to Yale Nogin for their updates.


Email me directly. I promise I will answer every single email. I’m at I will answer you.

113 thoughts on “SharpShooters USA is Selling Our Property to the City of Roswell”

  1. Will you be setting up shop at a new location? Also, will archery lessons still take place on the grounds behind the building?

  2. Well I am not surprised you are closing. I experienced crazy racism when I stopped in to look at firearms. I knew then you would fail. 👍🏾

      • I have been attending classes there for many months. All races, genders. Never saw any show of anyone being treated any differently. That’s one of the many reasons we loved your shop.

    • That’s funny. As a black man, this is the only range I felt at home. They even took time to train my wifekalso black) on use and general gun safety during her first firearm purchase.

    • Wow, crazy racism? Do you mean the kind crazy woketard people perceive everywhere they go because they’re so determined to find it? I dated a woman like that once. She was nuts and super embarrassing to go out in public with, too. Don’t be like that.

    • Nah, not true! I had never had a negative experience with Kevin and his staff. I have to call this one out as BS. Gotta stop living in the mental plantation.

    • I’m black as hell; and I’ve been shooting at SSUSA for nearly 5 years, before Kevin even owned the place. I’ve never experienced any racism or unfair treatment based on my appearance whatsoever. Hell, Kevin’s got a brother that works there now, and staffs women as well — unfortunately both of those populations are somewhat lacking in the 2A community.

  3. Kevin, I am truly sorry to learn that you are closing SharpShooters. It has been part of the community for a long time and feels like it should always be there.
    You run and excellent company and it was always good to shoot and train there.

      • Kevin,

        You don’t know me but I actually helped Tom Deets OPEN Sharp Shooters WAY BACK!!! Funny, I remember sitting down with him with the plans and walking the site. Even helped him to get the technology needed also with the actual phone number!! I actually brought my son there to buy his 1st FireArm after bringing him to the range several times.

        You’ve done a great job throughout those 3-4 years .. Sharp Shooters is definitely a LandMark and will be missed .. However, it certainly sounds like converting it will be a good use for the City of Roswell in several ways..

  4. SharpShooterUSA will forever hold a place in my heart as the friendliest and funnest range I’ve trained at. The Sig I purchased from you guys will never be sold in honor of the legacy left behind. I pray everyone lands on their feet.. F Bidenomics 🙁

  5. Just did see the sale mentioned on the news. Thank you for the info.
    Hope you open again someplace close soon.

    Good Luck..

  6. Bummer!! You guys are on my bucket list. Guess I’d better get myself in gear and get over there. Hate to lose that wonderful location! I live off Hembree rd

  7. Ahh, what a shame. Bidenomics true to form – helping the wrong people, hurting the good people. I’m sorry to hear about this news and hope the ROI you’re getting is something you’re comfortable enough with.

    We just joined sharpshooters (and naturally, I had eye surgery 2 weeks later and haven’t really had a chance to enjoy the facility). Such is life. We have a lesson purchased for my family with Glenn. We’ll get it scheduled and make a few more purchases we have been considering.

    I wish you all luck and health and success in the future.

    • This was not bidenomics this was making a decision to take the risk of an adjustable rate loan, never the best. Don’t politicize your decisions face them head on, and keep your good name as it is right now. We have enjoyed your range. Good luck and God speed.

      • Yes, we made the decision to take an adjustable rate loan. Nobody ever in their right minds could have predicted the inflationary policies of this administration, which have driven consumer costs through the roof and interest rates to more than triple. Nobody. Did you see that coming? I take complete responsibility for the decision, because it was my decision, ultimately, but inflation and high interest rates are 100% the responsibility of the economic policies of our “leaders”, regardless of party. This administration has chosen to double down on inflationary policies similar to those that brought us the 08-09 financial disaster.

        • Sorry to hear that you’re closing. I’ve always enjoyed my time there. You and your investors made a bad business decision. President are quick to take credit for things they don’t deserve and are quick to get blamed for things they don’t deserve. Blaming President Biden doesn’t do any good. We are in a free market economy, and the Federal Reserve acts on its own. For four years people have been saying we’re heading for a recession and it hasn’t happened yet. When you blame Bidenonmics, it comes across as you’re trying to be a victim and blame others. I wish you the best, SharpShooters will be missed.

          • Yes, our decision to take an adjustable rate loan was, in retrospect, a bad decision. However, I’ve yet to find anyone who predicted or could have predicted that we’d have the largest, fastest interest rate hike in history. As I said, we built into our financial model an increase of 2-3 interest rate points, but not 7+. I don’t blame the President. I blame his poor fiscal and monetary policies, which have caused the highest inflation in 2 generations, and hence the Fed’s reactive interest rates. As for “the Fed acts on its own”, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree there. And I, too, will miss SharpShooters. Thank you.

  8. I am heartbroken at the loss of this establishment. I was one of the very first members of Sharpshooters when it initially opened. Really upset that you had to make this decision but understand why you did.

    Do you have any recommendations on a place to go target shoot going forward and/or will you be opening a new store /range in the future?

    Thank you for all the great times and great people that I have had the privilege of enjoying and meeting

    • Thank you so much, Frank, for the kind words. There are quite a few ranges in the N ATL suburbs, including Sandy Springs, GA Firing Line, Big Woods Goods. Check them out and see what you think.

  9. This is a very sad thing. I’ve been a member for a long time and will miss you. The range has been a great place. Thanks, Kevin, for all the work you have done. I wish us all the best going forward.

  10. Thank you for such a clear explanation. I pray the closing will go smoothly and any bumps in the road will be small and easy to overcome. Bless you all in your future endeavors. I enjoyed your range and gunsmith services. Thank you again. Jim Munsell

  11. It may be premature but are you planning to open a new gun range at a location TBD? I encourage you and your investors to do so.

    Larry Guthrie
    15400 Thompson Way
    Alpharetta GA 30004

  12. Kevin,
    I own a small construction company. As a small business owner we decided to do something we did back in the Obamadays; half our fleet is parked and staff is half what it could be.

    Taxes aside, a five fold in your interest rates on top of what insurance rates I can’t imagine, and here we are.

    Stay strong, it’s another building block in your life.

    Until next time,

  13. Hi Kevin & SS Team,

    First, I want to thank you for the years of excellent service and partnership that you’ve provided. I used to be a frequent visitor to the range, have purchased gear from you and had guns and knives serviced by you. I’ve never been disappointed, and I’ve enjoyed my membership greatly. I think this sucks, and I feel for all of you. I’ll follow your updates and hope that you’re able to re-open somewhere else if that’s your desire.

    All the best!

  14. So sad to see you go. You should keep the members emails and update us if you open another store and range. All the best to the staff!

  15. Well crap this stinks!! I hate that you all are having to close the doors, but I get it, (I’ll refrain from the commenting on the current (*#$%! Admin). You’ve got a great knowledgeable team working by for you and we are going to miss you guys! My family and I have enjoyed a lot time at your range ever since it opened. Thank you for everything that you all have done for the community, we really appreciate it. Best wishes with your new endeavors whatever that maybe, I’m sure you’ll be successful!
    Best Regards,
    The Failor Family

  16. You put together a world class facility and staff. Hate to see you close. Would love to see you open shop in Rome. Best to all.

  17. Glad you were able to exit somewhat on your terms and the building will continue in service to the area, such a nice facility.

    If ya’ll choose to try a version 2 keep the email list / website and hopefully a decent property will open up sometime near Roswell.

    Otherwise a decent outdoor facility within say 10 miles of Roswell would get a good bit of business… at least I would join that since outdoor ranges are awesome, just difficult to find the right neighbors 🙂

    Best of luck and prayers for your team and their families in 2024

  18. I still remember the day I drove by and saw the sign for the new shooting range! I was super exited. I walked in, the place was still under “construction” and the team was putting everything together. I became member number 77 that same day. I have used the range many, many times over the years, not only for myself but also to introduce my friends to shooting and the safe handling of firearms. The team has always been great and very helpful. Thank you for those many years and with the hope you might re-open sometime, somewhere.

  19. Will there be a send off party with raffle proceeds going towards Sharpshooters 2 the Sequel?

    Ever considered a co-op with members all having ownership stakes?

  20. Sorry to to see your location go. Will you be holding any kind of sale on inventory leading up to the actual closing date?

  21. I’m sad to see you go. I’ve been going to ranges for almost 40 yrs, and SharpShooters always impressed me as an high bar for all the others to aspire to. Your staff are always helpful and knowledgeable. The facilities are clean and well maintained. The other clientele have always been friendly and treated me as I would treat others. And of course, my favorite part, were the special events I attended, including fundraisers for breast cancer awareness, our K9 heroes, 2A support, or even just having a hot dog and a Coke to celebrate a holiday weekend. Thank you for all that you and the original owner did for the local area, and I hope that some day I hear of a new grand opening in another location. Assuming Bidenomics is removed from our vocabulary of course.

  22. I’ve been to your facility once for a lesson and have been meaning to come back. I need a new gun and more lessons. So this is sad news. Great facility and people. Everyone was so nice and very knowledgeable. Best to you in the future.

  23. Sharpshooters USA has been a home to my family and I see we moved to this area in 2016. It is truly a disappointment but a business reality. Sad to read the announcement but I wish you nothing but the best going forward! And Josh is STILL The Man!!

  24. So sorry to hear this! You guys have the nicest shooting range – and it is so convenient. My wife and I love to go shooting there. We will miss it!

  25. Kevin, I am surprised that you are not able to refinance the SBA loan some place else at more reasonable rate and weather out this higher rate period. It is likely to end in a few years. Or, find some other equity partners to help transition the business. Or, do the same with a new location. Please try to do this, as your business is an asset to the community. Looks like you have a good business model, although I dont know about its profits. Why not try to franchise your business model concept?

  26. I’ve only been in your store 2-3 times as I live in Marietta and have 2 other ranges much closer to me (and I’m a member at Governos Club for various reasons). That being said, I have been treated with the utmost respect and kindness by your staff + they seemed to genuinely care about my needs. That only comes from one place in a small business – the top. I have friends who are members at Sharpshooters and we’ve all recommended you guys every chance we get…. I hate the the fastest/largest rise in interest rates in US history caught you & your investors off guard. Good luck these next few months and in your future endeavors.

  27. This was the place I went on my 18th birthday to buy my first rifle. Crazy to see this happen but it cannot be helped. Wish you the best.

  28. Kevin, I shot weekly ever since Sandy Springs Gun Club burned down. I shot 100s of YouTube videos for Wheeled and Well Armed. Mey and shot with you all and shot at the IV8888 event too. You have had some supper guys/gals both past and present. Great gunsmiths Josh/Jake. Work took away my weekly shooting.

  29. Kevin, I’m sad to hear this news but understand. Sharpshooters is the first and only range I have ever joined; it’s where I learned to shoot and where my sons learned to shoot. We have had so many great memories there, including my son’s 18th birthday party recently. I’ve always enjoyed being there – first class instructors (especially Glen) and staff, and the best facility around – always in tip top shape and a pleasure to spend time there. You have run a fantastic operation over the years. We will dearly miss Sharpshooters and I hope there will be a Sharpshooters sequel. Blessings to you in the next chapter!

  30. Kevin
    I know this wasn’t the path you expected but you walked it well ,made friends along the way & provided excellent service and education !
    Looking forward to hear what’s next …

  31. My wife and I have shot at many gun ranges over the years but none that we enjoyed more than SharpShooter’s USA. We are sorry to see. you go and wish you the best in the future.
    Debbie and Charley Remaley

  32. Over 4 years of being a big time customer. Kevin. Always appreciated how you spoke to me as a customer and everything yall have done for me throughout the years.

    Going to truly miss my Saturday gun days every other weekend and shooting the s*** with everyone there

    Good luck to everyone losing thier job and hope for quick rebound!

  33. While we’re happy that your ROI was better than the alternative, we’re disappointed to see SS’s close. We joined SS’s soon after it opened, and were able to safely educate our sons on firearm safety and proper usage. Your shop is top shelf and we appreciate all the support and guidance we’ve received over the years.

    Best wishes on your next venture!

  34. I had to read my news feed several times before I could process (i.e., accept) the idea that SharpShooters is going away. I understand the need to sell based on your economic model–i.e., an oppressive interest rate. But it does not ease my angst.

    Kevin, for me, one of the key differentiators of SharpShooters (and why I maintained my monthly membership) is the outstanding training that Maddy and Glen provide on a group and individual basis. As I have shared with Glen numerous times in the past, his deft instruction, coaching, and support not only made me fall in love and deeply appreciate my shotguns and rifles but he instilled a confidence that was not there previously.

    With this in mind Kevin, do you have any idea how I/we can continue working with Glen and Maddy after all is said and done and your doors are shuttered? Please, please let me know because if s/he is in driving distance, I will be there!!

    Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge Josh! He has worked on an array of my weapons to ensure they are in perfect operational order—especially when he applies his “magic grease” that makes everything operate flawlessly. But Josh is more than a gunsmith (which he is outstanding at), he has always been a real human being who always found time to chat and share stories before and after he worked on a project I gave to him. Like Glen and Maddy, will Josh be available to continue to provide his service to a customer who relishes his expertise?

    I will avail myself of all of the above people and services before SharpShooters is no more. Your business model is one of a kind, along with your staff, here in the ATL. I hope that you and your business partners decide to continue in another location. If so, I will certainly be first in line.

    Thanks and many regrets that SharpShooters’ days are numbered.



    • Thank you for the very kind sentiments Harry. Really do appreciate it. Maddy & Co will be communicating their future plans as soon as they are clear. Until then, we have 6-8 weeks to get in all the training you can!

  35. Morning Kevin,

    Thanks for your reply. As I re-read the blog posts this morning, something weighed on my consciousness all morning til it became a distraction. Here is what it is.

    I can’t, and won’t, say that what Paula experienced was not real. I don’t know the particulars. What I do know, however, is that after frequenting your establishment for years, my experiences all fall in line with what Tray and Britt shared. Tray’s in particular. I too am a black man (some say an elder because of my grey hair) and whether I have purchased firearms, had Josh work on my guns, or taken classes, I have been treated with the utmost respect. And at my age, I can easily spot someone who is “faking it”. The culture of your shop has been most inviting on every visit. And to paraphrase Tray, “…it felt like home…”, unlike a swath of other ranges and gun stores in the Metro area.

    The same sentiment is held by my wife who has trained with Maddy and purchased her first firearm at SharpShooters. By the way, I just shared with her the fate of SharpShooters and her first words were”…damn! It is a great place but I clearly understand why Kevin made the decision he made considering the usury interest rate he and his investors have to deal with. No way the business could continue!”

    And to embellish my main point, even my adult son who lives outside of metro Atlanta said when I brought him to your range several times, “Pop, that was not what I expected. I felt comfortable, and the place is clean and organized, unlike shops near my home.”

    So Kevin, I will be looking for messages from Glen and Maddy about where they will be heading next. And I hope the same can be said for Josh. Following your suggestion, while your doors are open I will schedule as many 1:1 lessons as my calendar allows. And while I have Glen or Maddy’s attention, I will query them on what their plans are. But as a precaution, I hope that they do send out that email to their loyal and devoted alums so we all know where our education can continue.


  36. This is unfortunate news; it will be the end of an era. I’ve been coming to Sharpshooters USA since the first day they opened, well over a decade ago. It has been the most excellent indoor range and gun store I’ve found within an hour’s drive of my house, which is two miles from the store. You and your team have done an excellent job running the place since you took over; I will miss it dearly.

  37. I wanted to express my sadness upon hearing the news of your closure. Even though I’m not a regular customer or a gun owner myself, I genuinely enjoyed the times I spent at your establishment.

    I noticed you mentioned “Bidenomics” as a factor in the closure, which made me think you might lean towards the Republican side, and that’s absolutely okay. Personally, I tend to lean Democrat, but I believe in respectful dialogue and finding common ground. I’m not against gun ownership; rather, I advocate for responsible practices and regulations to ensure safety.

    In fact, if I were in a position of authority, I would propose measures like mandatory annual education for gun owners to stay updated on safety protocols and legal requirements. I see this as a collaborative effort, and I view you as a potential partner in finding solutions.

    On a brighter note, I’ve observed that many stock portfolios are actually benefiting from the changes associated with “Bidenomics.” It’s a reminder that while there may be challenges, there are also opportunities. Every decision tends to have winners and losers, but it’s how we adapt and collaborate that truly matters.

  38. The only place I felt welcomed and t
    Comfortable, will miss shooting there as well! Wishing you the best and maybe you’ll pop up somewhere else 🙏🏽😇

  39. This is harsh news for the Alpharetta/Roswell gun community. Sharpshooters is in a class by itself. No other range offers Josh’s expertise in gunsmithing, the lane capacity, retail sales experience, and the extensive training offered here. Further, the wide variety of group training classes (not to mention private instruction), taught by top-notch instructors is not available at other ranges in the area.

    I am especially saddened to see the demise of the awesome community of women shooters that has grown up around Sharpshooters over the years. Women have always been welcomed here, even in the days when that wasn’t true at other ranges. Now we have a diverse network of dedicated lady shooters that has grown even stronger in recent years under the leadership of Maddy and Melissa. Those friendships and the support will be sorely missed.

    However, having retired from a 40-year career in business, I certainly understand the forces of economics and finance. What is, is.

    And so, my husband and I thank you for the outstanding service and shooting experiences we have enjoyed at Sharpshooters over the years. You guys are nothing short of awesome! Our prayers now are that every Sharpshooter employee will land on their feet. Thank you and God bless you all.

  40. Hate to hear this Kevin. The only high note will be the “raise” I’ll get from not spending all my money at SSUSA. One question please Sir. Where is Josh going?

  41. Hey Kevin and the Sharpshooters Team,
    I started my gun experience at your range, visiting there the first time with my co-workers and then came back the next day and signed up for a membership.
    I always felt welcome, the team recognized me every time I showed up. 🙂
    I will miss that and it will be hard for other ranges to meet my expectations now after the great experiences I had with ya’ all.
    You and your team put safety always first! Unfortunately, I will be traveling the next two weeks, hope to have the chance to come back before you close the doors a last time!

    I wish you all the best


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